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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

GROOMED TO POWER Recruiting thru Ideology Global Leaders to Brainwash the Planet July-11-2012- Hidden Illuminati Schools around the world "systematically use unethically manipulative methods to persuade targeted individuals to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated". Thought reform contains elements emphasis on interpersonal sensitivity, learning by rote and self-cultivation for producing value change. which can be seen as subverting an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making. "principal aims of these psychological methods is to destroy a man's habitual patterns, space, hours, milieu, and so on." in methods used by religious sects, fraternal orders, political elites or primitive societies for converting or initiating new members. Theories of brainwashing and of mind control were originally developed to explain how totalitarian regimes appeared to succeed in systematically indoctrinating prisoners of war through propaganda and torture techniques. These theories were later expanded and modified to explain a wider range of phenomena, especially conversions to new religious movements (NRMs). Below are some of the most notorious tyrants who either cooperated or where assassinated for not cooperating in the Great Coming Grand Deception. Joseph Stalin , Adolf Hitler , Benito Mussolini ,Saif al-Islam , Yasser Arafat ,Muammar Al-Gaddafi ,Bashar Al-Assad , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Ayatollah khomeini , Shimon Peres, Hugo Chávez ,Kim Jong Il, Pol Pot , Augusto Pinochet , Maximilien Robespierre , Ivan IV , Henry VIII , Genghis Khan , Caligula INFO-AWARENESS , VIKEN Z KOKOZIAN

Recruiting thru Ideology 
Global Leaders to Brainwash the Planet
July-11-2012- Hidden Illuminati Schools around the world "systematically use unethically manipulative methods to persuade targeted individuals to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated". Thought reform contains elements emphasis on interpersonal sensitivity, learning by rote and self-cultivation  for producing value change.
which can be seen as subverting an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making. "principal aims of these psychological methods is to destroy a man's habitual patterns, space, hours, milieu, and so on."  in methods used by religious sects, fraternal orders, political elites or primitive societies for converting or initiating new members. 
 Theories of brainwashing and of mind control were originally developed to explain how totalitarian regimes appeared to succeed in systematically indoctrinating prisoners of war through propaganda and torture techniques. These theories were later expanded and modified to explain a wider range of phenomena, especially conversions to new religious movements (NRMs).  Below are some of the most notorious tyrants who either cooperated or where assassinated for not cooperating in the Great Coming Grand Deception.  Joseph Stalin , Adolf Hitler , Benito Mussolini ,Saif al-Islam ,  Yasser Arafat ,Muammar Al-Gaddafi ,Bashar Al-Assad ,    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Ayatollah khomeini ,   Shimon Peres, Hugo Chávez ,Kim Jong Il, Pol Pot ,    Augusto Pinochet , Maximilien Robespierre , Ivan IV ,   Henry VIII , Genghis Khan , Caligula  

Global Tyranny  
Step by Step | William F. Jasper
July-11-2012- The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order", clearly explains why America, in order to remain an independent country, must get out of the United Nations, and get the United Nations out of the U.S.
Building World Order Behind the soothing rhetoric about "peace" and "human security" offered by the UN's masters lurks a diabolical design for the destruction of human liberty.


 The Ascent of Money
A Financial History of The World 

by Niall Ferguson
July-11-2012-The human story behind the evolution of finance from its origins in ancient Mesopotamia to the latest upheavals on what he calls Planet Finance The Ascent of Money documents how a new financial revolution is propelling the world's biggest countries India and China from poverty to wealth in the space of a single generation an economic transformation unprecedented in human history.

 Catherine Austin Fitts :
Deliberate Implosion of the U.S. Economy

July-11-2012-- Former Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush Catherine Austin Fitts blows the whistle on how the financial terrorists have deliberately imploded the US economy and transferred gargantuan amounts of wealth offshore as a means of sacrificing the American middle class. Fitts documents how trillions of dollars went missing from government coffers in the 90's .


CNN-Heading over the Fiscal Cliff Warning/The coming Economic Storm 
July-10-2012--The game is over. We lost. The corporate state will continue its inexorable advance until two-thirds of the nation and the planet is locked into a desperate, permanent underclass.  These elites do not have a vision. They will continue to exploit the nation, the global economy and the ecosystem. And they will use their money to hide in gated compounds when it all implodes. 

Richard Wolff: 
Eurozone Woes Created By Mating "Dysfunctional" Political & Economic Systems
July-10-2012--The Global Economic Meltdown " 
"The Fed is recognizing that another bailout is needed," "All the steps taken over the last two years to try to cope with this crisis of our capitalist system haven't worked, and so we're now we are again on the brink of a crisis, and again, public money and public institutions are bailing out a private banking system 

Lyndon LaRouche Responds to Britain · 
July-10-2012--Lyndon LaRouche issued the following remarks regarding the breaking developments coming out of Britain and their proposal that the United States join them in establishing a classical Glass-Steagall banking reorganization of the transatlantic financial system immediately.

James Turk gives his timeline on the Dollar's Collapse and Gold's role as the messenger!
July-11-2012-Central banks may not be waiting to find out if major currencies -- the euro or the US dollar will collapse or be devalued.They are stocking up on gold. IMF data shows Mexico added close to 17 tons of gold to its reserves in March Turkey, Russia and Kazakhstan are buying gold too And in the US, oil prices become a political football in an election year.

What Killed Arafat?
July-10-2012--A nine-month investigation discovered rare, radioactive polonium on the ex-Palestinian leader's final belongings. The finding suggests that Arafat was poisoned with polonium, a rare, highly radioactive element. The polonium was found in blood, sweat, urine and saliva stains on his personal effects, and the levels recorded by forensic pathologists in Switzerland - who studied the items - do not occur naturally. 

Kofi Annan in Iran to end Syrian conflict
July-11-2012--Emphasizing on Iran's role in ending Syrian unrest; after meeting with Syrian officials, the UN-Arab League special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan paid a visit to Tehran to discuss the Syrian crisis with high ranking Iranian officials. Mr. Annan's visit to Tehran aims at bringing the Syrian conflict to an end.
Ali Akbar Salehi, Kofi Annan referred to Iran as a "part of the solution" to the Syrian unrest.


The American Delusion,
The Planned Economic Collapse 

of the United States
July-11-2012-- the so called collapse started, the bank bailouts, raising the so called debt limit, and the true history of AmeriKKKa.

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